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+27 (0) 16 932 1509
This practice is contracted to most medical schemes
FEES PER SESSION are in accordance with the rates recommended by the Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa (BHF). The Practice Code Numbering System (PCNS) of the BHF is a list of unique practice billing codes for providers of healthcare services in South Africa. The BHF administers the PCNS according to criteria set out by the Council for Medical Schemes. The National Health Reference Price List (NHRPL) which is released by the Department of Health stipulates parameters for the fees applicable to psychologists.
It is the RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CLIENT to confirm benefits prior to commencement of the treatment, manage benefits for the duration of the treatment, as well as to keep track of the payments made by the Medical Aid and to ensure that payment from the Medical Aid is done promptly.
NORMAL HOURS AND AFTER-HOURS: After-hour services are paid at the same rate as for services during normal hours. Bona fide emergency medical services rendered to a client, at any time, may attract a fee as specified by the NHRPL.
Apart from an APPOINTMENT LIST, clients will receive a timely SMS from Dr Schoeman's office to remind them of their next appointment.
CANCELLATIONS and rescheduling of appointments must be made not later than 24hours prior to appointments. A fee may be charged for late cancellations, appointments not kept and missed appointments.
ALL CLIENTS are welcome to pay the Private Tariff (at a reduced rate) in cash or via an EFT payment. Clients belonging to a Medical Aid can afterwards submit their paid account to their Medical Aid. Clients outside the boundaries of South Africa may be eligible for coverage and reimbursement, in part or in full, depending on the benefits of their Health insurance. Better be safe than sorry and consult your Insurance company for more information and limitations that may exist.
RATES for Psychology assessment, consultation, counselling and/or therapy for Private clients/On-line therapy clients differ from Medical Aid clients. The duration of all sessions is 51-60 minutes, Procedure code 86205. The fee will be adjusted accordingly should the time be exceeded.
Claims are submitted electronically to the Medical Aids by Dr Schoeman's Accounts Department.
Psychology assessment, consultation, counselling and/or therapy will be charged at the Medical Aid rate. Medical Aid rates differ from one another and is amended annually. Currently the rates for Individual psychology consultation vary between R1 194.70 and R1 317.02.
No Medical Aid covers appointments not kept or late cancellations.
Should you not belong to a Medical Aid, you are consulted on a cash basis. You are, however, accommodated by a reduction in the consultation fee. The applicable consultation fee is payable after completion of each session.
Psychology assessment, consultation, counselling and/or therapy will be charged at a private rate of R1 200.
Currently only available under exceptional circumstances. Please refer to the Page on Online Counselling.
Payment for online therapy is upfront. Clients can pay for several sessions at once or individually which ever suits them best.
Clients who request Online Psychology consultation, counselling and/or therapy are charged at an online rate of the same rate than Private clients, i.e. R1 200.
Individuals who claim to be psychologists and who provide psychological services on the Internet must be licensed as a psychologist. The provision of psychological services via the Internet is an evolving area and most countries/states/jurisdictions do not have clearly defined standards or rules regarding such practice yet. Online counselling is also a relatively new concept in South Africa and the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and its current laws and regulations are also not clear on the implementation and monitoring thereof yet.
In light thereof, South African citizens can't take it for granted that they shall be reimbursed when claiming from their Medical Aids. Individuals can however motivate the necessity thereof and take it up with their medical aids for exceptional payment stating that no other means of psychotherapy is conducive to their specific set of circumstances, e.g. they're disabled, housebound, have a lack of transport, suffering from severe social/anxiety phobia, etc.