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+27 (0) 16 932 1509
If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person may be in danger - try to stay calm and do the right thing
Emergencies include life-threatening behaviors to the self and others - such as acute suicidality, potential violence, and risk to vulnerable victims of violence. Symptoms and conditions behind these emergencies may include attempted suicide, substance dependence, alcohol intoxication, acute depression, presence of delusions, violence, panic attacks, and significant, rapid changes in behavior.
E-mails are not considered to be an appropriate means of communication when you are in a crisis. Subsequently you are not to use e-mails for emergencies, also do not use “please call me” messages, text messages, voice mail messages or faxes for emergencies.
Unfortunately Dr Schoeman's practice is not geared to serve as a crisis centre after-hours, and she is not always able to provide immediate support outside business hours. In the event of a crisis or mental health emergency, and she is unable to assist you immediately, you also have the following options as well as other local options below (depending on the nature of the emergency):
- Contact your psychiatrist if you are receiving treatment from a psychiatrist.
- Contact your local general practitioner/doctor.
- Go to your nearest hospital’s emergency rooms for treatment.
- Call the emergency numbers for the police or an ambulance.
- Contact your religious leader/advisor, e.g. your reverend, pastor or priest.
- Call a friend or family member that you can trust.
- Call Emergency service from your mobile phone:
The GSM network uses 112 as a world-wide emergency number.
When 112 is dialed from a GSM phone, the network will automatically redirect
you to the local emergency dispatch.
Aid in South Africa
Call the emergency number for the Police: 10 111
Be frank about suicidal and/or homicidal thoughts, feelings and/or behaviors.
Call the emergency number for an Ambulance: 10 177
They can help to secure you and others' safety.
Call LIFELINE on their landline number 011 715 2000 or their toll free numbers - 0800 150 150 or 0800 102 322. Lifeline is 24hours available. (
Contact THE SOUTH AFRICAN DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY SUPPORT GROUP (SADAG) on 0800 567 567 or 0800 70 80 90 (toll- free helpline) from 08:00 to 20:00 or 24 hours on 0800 12 13 14 or SMS 31393 (they will call you back). (
Contact YourLifeCounts:
Contact the SOUTH-AFRICAN FEDERATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH on 011 781 1852 to find out who you can contact for your specific needs. (
Contact TELEFRIEND SA helping those with personal problems and in emotional pain. Free telephonic counselling for callers of any age on 0861 106 310 or on WhatsApp - 071 674 3799 between 10:00 and 22:00. (
Contact FAMSA, the umbrella organisation for a variety of organisations focusing on relationship, family and marriage counselling on 011 975 7106/7. (
Contact CHILD LINE SA addressing among other, abuse, child pornography, MIV and AIDS, bullying, suicide, etc. on their toll-free number 0800 055 555. (
Contact RADIO PULPIT or CAPE RADIO PULPIT on 012 334 1320 or on WhatsApp - 0769619749 - they are 24hours available or via email (non life-threatening situations) - You can also contact the I AM Youth Counsellors on WhatsApp - 071 679 4302. (
Aid around the World
Call 911 and tell the operator the nature of your emergency.
Call 112 from your mobile phone.
Request an Ambulance if necessary.
If you feel suicidal or homicidal, be frank about is.
Secure your own and others' safety.
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. They provide free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Call them on 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is also an option for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (1-800-799-4889) as well as a Spanish language option (1-888-628-9454). (
Call The Samaritans with any kind of emotional emergency. They are available around the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. E-mail them at If you need a response immediately, it's best to call them on the phone. Call them on their free call helpline numbers:
Samaritans has dedicated offices in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. (
Call Befrienders Worldwide - they provide emotional support to prevent suicide worldwide. They listen to and help people without judging them. They have a network of 169 independent emotional support centres in 29 countries. Find a crisis helpline near you on their website. You can also visit their webpage in your own language. (
Befrienders Worldwide suggests the following ORGANISATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS if you can't find one of their centers in your area:
Samaritans UK & ROI
Netherlands Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA)
Lifeline International
Child Helpline International
International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services - IFOTES
Telephone Helplines Association (UK)
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Papyrus (UK)
Canadian Crisis Lines - Click Here
American Association of Suicidology - AAS
Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention - CASP
International Association for Suicide Prevention - IASP
Malatavie Prévention - Centre d'étude et de prévention du suicide
Wikipedia suggests the following Emergency GSM network numbers to be dialled from a mobile phone:
112 as a world-wide emergency number
North America:
USA and Canada – 911
Mexico – 066, 060, or 080 (some areas direct 911 to local services)
China – 999 in most large cities. Elsewhere, 120*
Hong Kong – 999
India – 102
Indonesia – 118/119*. Search and Rescue – 115. Natural disaster – 129
Iran – 110 (112 from mobile)
Israel – 101* (112 from mobile)
Japan and Korea – 119*
Malaysia – 999
Mongolia – 103
Philippines – 117 (112 and 911 redirect to 117)
Saudi Arabia – 997*. Rescue emergency – 911, 112, or 08
Singapore – 995
Thailand – 1669*. “Tourist” police (English speaking) – 1155
UAE – 998* or 999*
Vietnam – 115*
Egypt – 123*. Tourist police – 126
Ghana – 999
Morocco – 15*
Nigeria – 199
South Africa – 10177*. Police and Fire – 10111 (112 from mobile)
Zambia – 991* (112 from mobile)
Zimbabwe – 999
United Kingdom – 999 or 112
European Union and many other European nations – 112
Australia – 000
New Zealand – 111
Fiji – 911
Vanuatu – 112
Central America and Caribbean:
Guatemala – 120*
Barbados – 511*
Jamaica – 110*
Nicaragua – 118*
Honduras – 199*
South America:
Argentina – 107* (911 will work in certain areas as emergency dispatch)
Bolivia – 118*
Brazil – 192*
Chile – 131*
Colombia – 112 or 123
Paraguay and Uruguay – 911
Suriname – 115
Venezuela – 171